A humidifier is necessary for Lowell winters

But how you feel during the year with a humidifier running is more than worth it in my opinion

In Lowell, Massachusetts you need to turn your heating equipment basically 24/7. Due to this, I have invested quite a bit in indoor air quality equipment. I don’t want that same, stale air circulating inside my house. I bought a humidifier from a Massachusetts heating dealership. The humidifier is one that pairs right with the heater. So as my furnace turns on, the humidifier is firing up. It adds moisture to the air quality. This isn’t something that most people think of with their heating equipment. Having a humidifier is a game changer. When the air is more moist, it actually feels warmer. I am able to turn down the thermostat temperature and save some money. Also more moisture means no more dry skin, chapped lips, or bloody noses during the season. I also don’t get static cling or shock. The best thing is that the wood furniture won’t split and the electronics are safe. The humidifier more than paid back for itself. As far as servicing it, I just have the Lowell HVAC dealer take a look at the humidifier when they do the heating equipment. It has to be serviced, get a filter change, the whole thing. It isn’t a big deal to me. Yes, adding a humidifier does up your service costs. But how you feel during the year with a humidifier running is more than worth it in my opinion. I love feeling the air with a bit of moisture. I no longer feel that dry, static filled cold anymore.



Lowell Massachusetts Heating corporation

Seeing Lakeland, FL in the winter

I like going on vacation to spots that are in the off season.

When you go during peak times, the pricing is outrageous.

I also try to stay within the United States when I go on a trip. I chose to book a stay in Lakeland, Florida because all those lakes looked gorgeous. I figured being on a boat or just looking at the water was good enough. I also packed a wetsuit in case I wanted to swim. I booked a vacation that is technically in the winter season of Florida. A Florida winter just wasn’t that bad. The Lakeland winter season is really quite mild. I was able to get away with some loose pants, a sweater and lightweight layers going underneath. The lakes were gorgeous even when it was brisk outside. My favorite thing to do was wake up when the sun rose, get a cup of coffee and just enjoy the scenery from the rental porch. I really liked spending that time early in the morning. After a bit I would go for a run through town to see everything. Then I would eat locally, shop around, and find other things to do in Lakeland, Florida. After looking at the weather forecast I am really glad that I selected going to Florida in the wintertime rather than the summer. The summer temperatures in Lakeland are just brutal. The heat and humidity make it so I would think everyone would stay inside by the air conditioner. The winter season really was just so much better for me.


Lakeland Florida Air conditioning corporation

I am not used to the cold in Elgin

I moved away from Elgin, Illinois about five years ago.

When I lived in Elgin I was hardcore.

I would go outside without the temperature. It would be in the twenties with a bad windchill and I would bundle up. I would go for walks in the deep snow or sometimes run in it for a workout. I operated the snowblower on a daily basis and scrapped off the cars. I just got used to the cold. I didn’t like it, but I was totally fine with it. When I moved down south I spent quite a few years never wearing a pair of pants or long sleeves. I have since adapted and I now will put on a jacket on colder days. I hadn’t realized it had been years since I had seen my parents in Elgin, Illinois. So I decided to make a trip for the holidays. Wow, I am totally out of practice with the ocld. The snow and wind chill were horrible. I also forgot that my parents are hardcore Illinois people. They don’t run their heater unless they totally have to. The heating system was set to 65 degrees if you can believe it. They just wear pants, coats and socks indoors. I bundled up in my wool coat every night when I went to sleep. It was just awful. I spent most of the trip looking for heating equipment in Elgin. I am definitely weak now that I live in a state that is warmer most of the year.


Elgin Illinois Heating dealer

St. Petersburg was a great family trip

My husband and I live in Florida and we have given up traveling overseas.

We used to do a big, foreign vacation once a year.

Now the two of us stay within the United States. Ever since we had our son, we have wanted to travel only by car. Our son doesn’t do well in airports and hates to travel. So it is basically only Florida that we see. That is okay by me since we have a big state and lots to see. I recently booked a trip to St. Petersburg, Florida. That was a great pick. We had been to Tampa and really liked it. St. Petersburg is a bit more laid back and less like a city. There were better beaches, shopping, and things to do there. I highly recommend a quick trip to St. Petersburg if you have the time. I love that the weather was a bit hotter than what we were used to. We went in the off season so that the prices were better. However, we still enjoyed the pool, water, and the sunshine. It was hot enough for us. I booked us a big suite so that our son had plenty of room for his crib and could play around in there. I also love big rooms and they usually come with a huge bathtub. This is necessary so I can wash up my boy after the ocean or hotel pool. He loves a good bath so a big tub is a must have. It was a great trip and I am leaning towards going back there again. We liked it so much.


St. Petersburg Florida Air conditioning worker

Ductwork cleaning due to Missouri spring pollen

They then use a camera to make sure they got it all.

The spring season is probably my favorite in Springfield, Missouri. I love the blooming flowers, trees, and shrubs. The weather is gorgeous so I can do some lawn work and painting outdoors. The downside of spring is the pollen though. I also live on a dirt road. The sun dries out the dirt and causes it to stir up dust. The pollen and dust irritate my allergies. I have had a stuffy nose, headache and sinus pressure the whole season. Recently I noticed that I was struggling with my allergies past the spring season in my Springfield home. What is the deal with that? I then did some research and relayed that the air quality in my home was no good. The dirt from the road, pollen from flowers, and dirt from my HVAC got up into my ductwork. I had never called a Missouri HVAC business for ductwork cleaning before. So that is why everything was so dirty. Calling for ductwork cleaning is easy. In Springfield you have a wide range of businesses that do this. I choose one that doesn’t do a scrub brush, but a vacuum. That way they don’t disturb the ductwork or my household. They just push the vacuum through the different vents and suck up whatever is in the ducts. They then use a camera to make sure they got it all. It is gentler and more effective than the old brush method. After my ductwork cleaning appointment, I felt so much better. The house felt and smelled so much fresher. The HVAC seemed to work better as well.

Springfield MO Heating dealership

Should have gotten heated flooring

I made a mistake not getting heated flooring. I moved to South Bend, Indiana and I had the choice on whether to use heated flooring or not. I was ripping up the home’s carpets and replacing them with tile. I was doing every floor but the bathrooms too. I had the money. I debated the costs and decided not to. Our home had a central heater. Why would I need to add another one? I thought the tile floors would be just fine. So I ripped up the floors, laid cement board down, and put new tile over top of it. Then I went through an Indiana winter and regretted it immensely. Not having heated flooring and pairing it with cold tile is horrible. I should have set more money upfront for radiant heating. Now it is too late. I have the perfect flooring material for it but can’t add it later. I would need to rip up my brand new tile in order to have it installed. Nope, that is too late. The best I can hope for is radiant heating when I do the bathrooms. The tile in those rooms need to be redone. I can test out the heated flooring in there and see if I like it. I think I am going to. I am also going to be very sad because my central heater is showing signs of age. If it dies and I don’t have any heated flooring to tag in, that will be horrible. I would have made a huge, horrible decision rather than just a dumb one. South Bend gets some very cold winter nights. My tile floors are now covered with throw rugs just because I can’t stand the cold anymore.


South Bend IN Heating dealership

Tuscaloosa trip was a success

I love going to different states and having a nice vacation there.

My husband and I don’t like being on airplanes for an extended period of time.

I also don’t like places that don’t speak the language or have the same cluturel. It just makes sense to stick close to home. I am planning to see all fifty states. Recently my husband and I went to Alabama. We ended up posting camp in Tuscaloosa. It was a really great time. We got a nice airbnb and just walked around the city. There wasn’t a whole lot to do but the weather was just perfect. I love experiencing a warm spring day and looking at all the flowers. I found a great running route that I would get up every morning and take a jog on. Then I would stretch in the grass and get back to our rental. My husband and I would brew up some coffee, make a big breakfast and just relax. We spend a lot of our time on a trip just chatting or reading. We aren’t big into hiking, museums, or going to concerts. We sometimes get ambitious and hit a park with a picnic basket. That is about it. Tuscaloosa was the perfect choice for the two of us. We really enjoyed our stay and the location couldn’t be beat. I was really happy that we didn’t go in the heat of summer. The temperature in the spring was just ideal for tanks and shorts. I also had a decent air conditioning system in our rental property too. So that was a nice bonus.
Tuscaloosa Alabama Heating device

Road trip to Arizona

I did a road trip with some friends from Phoenix, Arizona to Los Angeles California. It was really fun seeing two different states and experiencing what they have to offer. We played some golf and did some shopping in Phoenix. There is a great music and arts scene there as well that I enjoyed. Then we drove towards California and hit Death Valley National Park and also Joshua Tree. Those were some really great sights on our way to LA. Then we experienced the high city life and drove home. It had a lot of neat elements in it. We got to do some low key shopping and city life. We got to see nature. Then we ended with the club scene. In hindsight, I wish I would have reversed the order. I wish I would have started in LA and then ended up in Arizona. After a long road trip, I just wanted to be done, not party the night away. Arizona is a lot more laid back and relaxed too. I do think I liked Phoenix better. It had nicer weather and also more things to do for something that isn’t a big party. I liked that it wasn’t as dirty or crowded as LA. Someday I might just take a trip to Artiozna and see more of what Phoenix has to offer. My friends and I barely hit the surface for it. I maybe could go back with my mother and see a concert or something offered there.


Phoenix Arizona heating company

A trip to the Fort Worth Zoo

Every year, my family holidays in a modern location, however we try to experience distinctive landscapes, certain culture and an educational experience, but this past holiday season, my pal and I headed to Fort Worth, Texas.

  • While my pal and I enjoyed the Fort Worth Stockyards, various museums and Trinity Trails, the highlight was the Fort Worth Zoo, consistently ranked among the top zoos in the nation, it is property to over 7,000 animals and has recently expanded their elephant exhibit; As one of the oldest zoos in Texas, the Fort Worth Zoo has steadily evolved into a world-class facility, combining entertainment, education and conservation… Since its beginning in 1909 with just a handful of animals, the zoo now covers sixty-four acres and represents more than five hundred species of animals! One of my favorite exhibits was The Texas Wild! From the swamps of the Gulf Coast to the arid landscapes of West Texas, it showcased the diverse ecosystems within the state and gave a look at native wildlife within settings that mimic their natural environments.

The African Savanna is another definitely fascinating exhibit. The sprawling landscape is just attractive and provides a property to elephants, giraffes and zebras. The immersive experience includes the Asian Falls, Raptor Canyon and Australian Outback exhibits, each one is certain and shares habitats of animals from different parts of the world! For my kids, the best part of our visit to the zoo was the interactive experiences. We were able to attend live demonstrations and feeding sessions, where the kids got to be hands-on. The Texas Nature Traders Programs encourages the kids to collect natural items and trade them for points that they can cash in for fun prizes.

Fort Worth Texas Cooling specialist