Lots of houses in this neighborhood are more than 2500 square feet and that includes my place.
It has four bedrooms, three bathrooms, and two bonus rooms.
It also has a backyard with a pool and a fence. When my wife and I moved into this place, we knew that it was going to be expensive to heat and cool all 2500 ft. Parts of the house never got very cool, including the back bedroom where my wife and I sleep. When we started feeling the heat and humidity of the Birmingham summer, we thought about the air conditioner. We were going to pay for an expensive mini split AC unit to be installed. In fact, we got two estimates from Birmingham HVAC companies to get the mini split AC unit installed. At the last minute, we decided to go with a portable air conditioning unit instead. It does a great job. It cools extremely well and I can move it from room to room. It requires a little bit of work and installation, but the portable AC unit was a lot cheaper than the equipment and installation fees from the Birmingham company. They were going to charge me $3,500 for a mini split air conditioning system and the portable unit was less than $500. It’s easy to use, lightweight, portable, and it has reusable and washable air filters. I am really happy with the purchase and it really helps the house feel more comfortable and cozy.