There is no location in America quite like OR, i constantly know of OR as “the outcast state” and not in a exhausting way! This is the last frontier of the wild west, the only location wild and untamed enough that anyone can come here and beginning a life, but the people in OR, especially in a city like Hillsboro, are accepting, tolerant, and know how to mind their own business… My associate and I have all kinds of freaks, geeks, and weirdos around the Hillsboro area, but my associate and I have all bonded together into a romantic and tight craft community… What I love most about Hillsboro is the diversity of the people, who are all here for the same reason – they want to live their lives in peace and be left alone! I am no different, although I have to interact with people every day as part of my duties as an HVAC service expert.
I don’t work for a major corporation, or even one of the greater Hillsboro companys, I am an independent company with only me as an employee.
The people of Hillsboro like quiet, discrete service, which is why I have such a fine reputation around here. If someone needs heating lamps or an media air cleaner for their cannabis grow room, they know they can call me for fast, discrete service! A lot of people in Hillsboro have secrets, and don’t like strangers in their homes, so my reputation for keeping my mouth shut has been more upscale to my career than my HVAC certification! If you need service in Hillsboro, look me up!