Things were absolutely and totally ridiculous this year while I was in the annual gay and lesbian Pride Parade, however each year San Francisco, CA hosts the annual gay and lesbian pride week, pride week occurs while I was in July and the entire neighborhood has parties, events, and parades to celebrate gay and lesbian Pride, however last year was the first time that I ever attended a single of the pride events in San Francisco.
I was totally overwhelmed by the number of people. It made me entirely upset and anxious. I wasn’t having a entirely enjoyable time, so our lady advocated smoking recreational marijuana. Everyone around us was using recreational marijuana. It was absolutely simple to obtain. All of us could purchase marijuana supplies from a San Francisco dispensary, but there were also people on the street that would give you a hit of a joint if you asked. A entirely pretty drag queen walked by us and she was smoking a marijuana joint. I yelled at the person and asked if all of us could hit the joint. I took several easily large puffs and the drag queen told us to keep it. My lady and I smoked the rest of the joint. The marijuana was absolutely potent and I started to recognize like I was walking in the clouds. All of a sudden, the number of people in San Francisco didn’t seem to bother me much at all. In fact, I was ready to start talking to every person that walked past our lady and I. I was the life of the party after using recreational marijuana products. It completely alleviated all of our nerves and anxiety.