A few of my co-workers & I had to go to Denver last February for a convention. The convention was held on the 21st, 22nd, & 23rd of February. I do not believe who decided to come up with that plan, although I thought it was positively terrible. I tried everything possible to get out of going to the convention. I even tried offering some of my co-workers a bribe, however nobody was enthusiastic about going to Denver during February, so I had to go. After I got off the plane, my nerves were a wreck. The flight was particularly horrible. The weather was disappointing & the two of us had her buelens the whole way. I could not detach my seat belt or get up to use the bathroom unless it was an emergency. There was no beverage repair during the entire flight all the way to Denver! My co-workers & I checked into the hotel room. I laid down on the bed in the room & I fell asleep hastily. I woke up a couple of hours later. I decided to go through the binder from the hotel that lists all of the information for the hotel, Denver metropolitan area, & other attractions. Inside of the binder, there were coupons for many local eating establishments & bars. There were also coupons from Denver dispensaries, then one of the Denver dispensaries was entirely close to our Hotel & Convention Center. I didn’t believe if I would be able to sneak out of the hotel room & go to the Denver dispensary without getting detected, although I decided it was worth a try.