I was happy with the results of the troubleshooting call

Shortly after my wife and I moved to Denver, we had to contact an HVAC company.

It was a warm and sunny summer day, and I couldn’t get the air conditioner to work.

The stipulations on our rental agreement state that we are responsible for all repairs on the heating and air-conditioning systems. I didn’t want to waste any time on that warm and sunny day, so I started looking for a Denver HVAC business. I found a lot of people listed online, but only a handful of businesses had good reviews. I picked the right Denver heating and AC provider and I contacted the phone number on the website. Someone answered on the first ring, which was a pleasant surprise. The man on the phone was very pleasant and helpful. He asked a lot of questions about the repair and the condition of the air conditioner. He set up an appointment for the same day and offered some helpful troubleshooting tips in the meantime. I tried all of the different tips, but I was unable to get the machine to work again. Thank goodness the Denver HVAC provider was there to help. The technician identified the problem very quickly and had the air conditioner up and running in no time. An electrical part wasn’t getting any spark and needed to be replaced. As soon as the AC part was changed, the machine started working again. I thought we were going to have a major problem on our hands, but everything turned out pretty good in the end. I will call them in the future, if I have any other issues.
ac repair Denver Colorado