The wharf is one of the most famous locales to visit in San Francisco. There are a pretty good amount of activities at the Wharf for the youngsters, adults as well as families… One of my most enjoyed things on the wharf is the sourdough breadboard as well as lovely hot clam chowder. The Wharf has the most wonderful clam chowder in a sourdough bread bowl. Monterrey has a pretty excellent sourdough bread bowl as well. I have to say though, San Francisco makes the best clam chowder hands down. My bestie as well as I went to the wharf this past weekend as well as the two of us planned to kneel on the pier as well as check out the sunset. The two of us decided to get a couple of bowls of clam chowder as well as made our way down to the pier to sit. Sadly, the stink of marijuana was all over the air. It seemed that someone was smoking marijuana at the end of the pier as well as the wind was blowing all of that powerful smoke our direction. My bestie as well as I could only smell the stench of marijuana as well as it ruined our experience a good amount. All kinds of people in San Francisco used recreational marijuana. It is 100% legal as well as readily available in a number of locales not especially far from The Wharf. I wasn’t shocked at all that someone in San Francisco was using recreational marijuana, but I was easily disappointed that the stink of weed was messing with this wonderful experience for the night. The two of us did not eat most of the clam chowder that we decided to get. The two of us took it back to our beach house as well as heated it up in the microwave later. The bread bowl wasn’t fresh as well as soft, however the chowder still was wonderful, even if it was heated in the microwave. The next time the two of us go to the wharf for the night, the two of us will be certain to remain near the dining area.