I made a mistake not getting heated flooring, then i moved to South Bend, IN and I had the option on whether to use heated flooring or not.
I was ripping up the home’s carpets and replacing them with tile.
I was doing every floor however the lavatorys too. I had the money. I debated the costs and decided not to! Our household had a central heater, why would I need to add another one? I thought the brick floors would be just fine, so I ripped up the floors, laid stone board down, and put new brick over top of it; Then I went through an IN winter and regretted it crucially… Not having heated flooring and pairing it with chilly brick is horrible. I should have set more money upfront for radiant heating. Now it is too late. I have the perfect flooring material for it however can’t add it later. I would need to rip up my brand new brick in order to have it installed. Nope, that is too late. The best I can hope for is radiant heating when I do the lavatorys. The brick in those rooms need to be redone. I can test out the heated flooring in there and see if I like it. I suppose I am going to. I am also going to be unquestionably concerned because my central heating system is showing signs of age. If it dies and I don’t have any heated flooring to tag in, that will be horrible. I would have made a huge, horrible decision rather than just a dumb one. South Bend gets some unquestionably chilly winter nights; My brick floors are now covered with throw carpets just because I can’t sit the chilly anymore.