My brother didn’t tell me that he needed air conditioning repair

When my brother talked me into coming down to stay with him in Jacksonville, FL, he didn’t also tell me that he was in need of air conditioning repair.

I think that he knew good and well that I would not have made the flight down there to see him at all if he had told me that he needed air conditioning repair in his Jacksonville, FL home.

I have been to Jacksonville, FL, and believe me when I say that there is no way that I would ever go down there just stay in a place that did not have working air conditioning. If my brother had told me that he needed an air conditioning repair, I would have just told him to just call me when it was over. Only then would I ever have committed to flying down to stay with him and his wife. I like that part of the country, but I think that it is just too hot. That would have been especially true whenever I was going down there to see my brother. It would’ve been about 100 degrees at his house, plus all of the humidity.Whenever I got to his house and he told me that he needed an air conditioning repair, I just stood there and stared at him. Then I told him that I was just gonna have to go and find a hotel somewhere in Jacksonville FL that night because there was no way I was staying with him when he was in need of an air conditioning repair.

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