I put a small portable AC in the room for our mother

The temperature in Phoenix is also a lot warmer than it was in her ancient home, however when our wife plus I were out running some errands a few afternoons ago, I found a portable AC unit at the hardware store

My wife plus I moved our mom to our apartment a couple of weeks ago plus she has been actually miserable. You never wanted to transfer to Phoenix in the first place, however our wife plus I were adamant that it was actually necessary; My mom has complained about the heat since she arrived. It’s only March plus she said that it feels like hell in her bedroom… She thinks that both of us are trying to slowly burn her to death. I realize that our mom might be losing some of her mental sanity too. I told our mom that I would do whatever she wanted so she would be more comfortable plus she told me that she wanted an AC unit in her bedroom… There was already Central AC in the room, but she was used to seeing a window AC unit. The ancient apartment had window units plus this place had Central ac. Maybe that has why she wasn’t as comfortable as she was in the ancient house. The temperature in Phoenix is also a lot warmer than it was in her ancient home, however when our wife plus I were out running some errands a few afternoons ago, I found a portable AC unit at the hardware store. It was on sale for half price plus I thought it was a pretty unbelievable deal. I bought a portable AC unit plus I took it apartment to show our mom. She was actually excited when she found out that I was going to install the unit in her room.

hvac system replacement Phoenix Arizona