Lights from the strip

My girlfriend plus I spent most of the day in Las vegas, but the two of us were supposed to hang out with some friends in the afternoon, but every one of us ended up walking around the strip all day. It was severely tepid plus a little humid. I was miserable. The two of us kept dipping in plus out of the casinos so every one of us could get a/c for a little while… Every once in a while, a security officer would transfer us away from the slot machines because every one of us were not putting any quarters in them! By the end of the day, I had quite a headache. The lights were bright plus blinding plus I thought my head was going to explode, my girlfriend plus I walked into a pharmacy plus I found some pain relievers. They had 3 odd types to choose from, so I picked the 1 that was the least upscale. The name brand choice was on sale, so it turned out to be less than the off-brand. I took a couple of pills plus my girlfriend plus I started walking back to our motel room. The two of us passed by a Las Vegas marijuana dispensary. I told my girlfriend that every one of us should go inside plus buy a marijuana joint. I knew it would help with my headache. The two of us went into the dispensary plus the people were so nice. The Las Vegas dispensary had a ton of choices available. The two of us picked out a marijuana joint that was called OG kush. My girlfriend also got a beverage that was a spritzer infused with cannabis. I did not care for the taste or flavor of the beverage, but my girlfriend thought it was pretty good.

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