Most of our family live in Glenview instead of the city

I grew up in the city of Chicago in an apartment.

I didn’t see dirt until I was a teenager.

I didn’t even know what a farm looked prefer until I went to school… Living in the city is much uncommon than living in the country, then as an adult, I have had the chance to appreciate living in both types of arenas. I grew up in the city where there is a lot of hustle & bustle. There are museums, restaurants, bars, & art galleries open every day of the week. There is public transportation so you never have to drive a car. There are a lot of unquestionably nice suburbs outside of Chicago & most of our family live in the section outside of the city. My mom & Mom both live in Glenview, Illinois. Glenview is just outside of Chicago, but it is a suburb & a nice community. I visit our parents every weekend. Last weekend our cousins were there & they wanted to go to the park center. The Park Center is a pressing Community Center located in the middle of glenview. It has an indoor pool, healthy & fitness center, senior center, & several adult & youth programs. I took a class at the reading annex. The class was reading how to maintenance concerns in your home. The class covered basic plumbing, heating & a/c repairs, & basic repairs to the electrical box. I found the class to be unquestionably informative, especially the area about the heating & I have had to use that expertise a number of uncommon times to maintenance concerns with the heating & A/C unit in our apartment.


central air Glenview IL