My roommates are the largest potheads in the whole world… All they think about is marijuana all day & all night.
All of us went on a 15 mile hike in San Francisco Last weekand I felt adore I was going to kill over & die.
All of us were all panting & out of breath by the time the people I was with and I got back to the car… The view from the top of the mountain was actually special & quite spectacular, however I was weary when the people I was with and I finally got done! I was thinking about dinner on the way beach house from the San Francisco tourist attraction. All our friends could think about was marijuana. They wanted to stop at a San Francisco marijuana dispensary. They smoked all of the marijuana pre-rolls that they had during San francisco. I told the guys it was going to be actually overpriced to buy weed in the city & I urged them to wait until the people I was with and I were in the delta area, but waiting an hour would mean saving at least 20% on the prices that the guys were going to pay. They did not want to drive all the way back to the house without any weed. They stopped at a San Francisco marijuana dispensary & purchased many pre-rolls. They spent $50 on many pre-rolls. When the people I was with and I finally got back to our apartment, the guys ordered marijuana while I ordered pizza; Can you think that their marijuana arrived before our saUSAge, pepperoni, & mushroom pizza? My pizza arrived fifteen minutes after the guys had their concentrate & pre-rolls delivered.