Some of my friends call me for help

I don’t mind that all of my friends call me when they need help.

It’s kind of nice to be the person that everyone can count on.

My mom was always the type of person that everyone could count on. If you needed moral support or someone to talk to, my mom was the person to be there. I always wanted to be exactly like her. My way of helping everyone is to be there when they need help with the HVAC system. Most of my family lives in Orland park, Illinois, and I will drive all the way to Chicago if they need something. Last weekend my friends called me when they had trouble with the AC unit. It was a very hot and humid day. It rarely hits 90 or 95° in Orland Park and it was close to 100 on that particular day. I was just finishing up with a customer when Jack called to ask me a couple of questions about the AC unit. The guy was in trouble and he didn’t want to ask me to drive from the city. I offered to come to Orland Park to help with the AC repair. My only request was something hot and delicious to eat for dinner. I usually get takeout, but I thought a home cooked meal sounded like a great payment for repairs on the air conditioner. Jack’s wife makes a really good casserole and she made one for dinner as well as a second one for me to take back home. I did not object to taking the tuna and cheese noodle casserole.


central air conditioning Orland Park IL