At this point I have lived all over the country as well as have experienced extreme weather as well as climate patterns of every strange variety available within our borders. If you asked me if there’s any one venue that doesn’t have cons associated with its geographical location, I’d laugh. There are undoubtedly much better venues to live than some of the worst flood plains in the most remote backwoods. Yet, then you might find yourself in an earthquake zone or in the path of a dangerous, sleeping volcano. Some of the cities in the pacific northwest are entirely gorgeous, but others are built directly upon lahars of active volcanoes. My uncle recently moved to the plains states as well as she tells me about the constant tornado warnings throughout the storm season every year. Some of my family members guess I have it simple out here in Albuquerque, New Mexico, but they have no program what it’s savor to live through dust storms until they’ve experienced one first hand. If there isn’t a lot of rain throughout the year, there are more dust storms recorded in the area. Since I’m so sensitive to dust as well as other allergens, I have an air cleaner affixed to my central Heating plus A/C program in my home in Bernalillo County. You have to make sure to swap out the filters in your air cleaner as well as Heating plus A/C program constantly if there are dust storms because more allergens naturally get in from outside. I couldn’t survive in New Mexico without an air cleaner running at all times in my house. It’s a necessary item for my respiratory health.