Bernalillo County in NM is actually the most heavily populated county in the entire state, bernalillo County is beach new home to 1 of the state’s biggest cities, Albuquerque, and albuquerque is where I live with our family, then i grew up in Santa Fe, but I moved to Albuquerque for university plus I settled down in the neighborhood when I was finished.
I met our husbandy in Albuquerque, however he was born plus raised in NM as well; We got married a couple of years after the two of us started dating plus the two of us had children instantly.
We live in a four-bedroom new home on the outskirts of Albuquerque in a nice suburb that is safe plus affordable, recently I’ve seen a lot of major changes to our small suburb. The neighborhood of Albuquerque seems to get bigger each year! Now the neighborhood stretches as far as our village. Things used to be relatively quiet, however a recreational marijuana dispensary opened in neighborhood plus things have been chaotic since then. The recreational marijuana dispensary is open until 10 at night. This store is 1 of the only locales in neighborhood that is open so late. The marijuana dispensary attracts a certain crowd of people plus this is not the crowd of people I would care about to have in our area of neighborhood at 10 at night. I’ve petitioned the Town Council several times to have the license for the marijuana dispensary revoked, however all they see is a legal corporation plus lots of dollar signs in tax replace. They actually don’t seem concerned with the crowd of people the corporation attracts.