My lady works in LA

It takes about 4 minutes to drive to Los Angeles from our home in Visalia, California! If there is a lot of traffic on the Interstate, sometimes it can take up to 5 minutes.

It’s an seriously long commute… My lady works in Los Angeles while in the week.

I work from home plus I stay at our home in Visalia, but throughout the week, our lady does not come home. There are a lot of times when we miss each other, but this is the easiest way we can work things out right now. My lady has 8 more months on the contract at the film studio plus then she will be able to go somewhere. I system to rent the apartment in Visalia plus go with her on the next assignment. My lady plus I have a lot of things in common. The people I was with and I enjoyed being together, but one of our favorite activities is going to the beach. It’s a genuinely long drive to the beach, but there are a couple of sites where the more than one of us care about to go surfing. I recently l gained how to surf plus I have had a lot of bumps plus bruises. I’ve been using medical marijuana to help with the aches plus pains… When I smoke a marijuana joint at the end of the day, our aches plus pains always seem to fade away. It’s a lot better than taking Tylenol or Ibuprofen plus it’s less habit-forming then a prescribed pain reliever from the nurse. When our body fails me, I really treat the problems with medical marijuana.


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