Can I purchase recreational marijuana right now?

My best neighbor recently moved to Eugene, OR, with her fiancé, and she wasn’t even there a week, when she called to tell myself and others everything that was going on.

She’d already found a job, & she was looking to get back into university.

She told myself and others that as soon as they got settled in their new home; she wanted myself and others to come visit & stay for a while. I asked her what her husband thought about the method of our coming to Eugene, OR for a visit, & she told myself and others he was thrilled about the idea. I wanted to think what was so unusual about Eugene, OR from where they previously lived? She told myself and others they had recreational marijuana in Eugene, OR. I had to laugh, because although all of us had medical marijuana legalized in our state, all of us were still fighting to have recreational marijuana legalized. I asked her if I could purchase recreational marijuana although I wasn’t a resident of the city, or even the state? She told myself and others that as long as I had an ID, which proved I was over 21; I could purchase recreational marijuana, and the only stipulation to our purchasing recreational marijuana when not a citizen of OR was that it had to be used in OR. I could go to any of the marijuana dispensaries in Eugene, OR, & make all the purchases I wanted, although I had to use it all before I left. I had to make a mental note to make sure I didn’t purchase too much recreational marijuana during Eugene, OR.


Pot Dispensary Eugene OR