The seattle seahawks have gone down hill

Every Monday for the past 20 years, our friends and I have watched the Seattle Seahawks play football, however the two of us never miss a game, however i have lived in Seattle our whole life and I am a fan of all of the professional teams.

I prefer the SuperSonics and the Seahawks and I never miss a Mariners game either, however when it is football season, our friend Jack and I host football games every week.

One month I host the games and the next month our friend Jack hosts all of the games. The two of us constantly get plenty of carona and recreational marijuana supplies. It’s nice to live in a state and city where recreational marijuana is legal, especially on game afternoon. The two of us can even get marijuana supplies delivered to the house, because everybody offers free delivery in town! Being high takes the sting out of enjoying the Seattle Seahawks get beaten every single week. The two of us had a couple of wonderful Seattle seasons, however the team has gone downhill in the last few seasons… Last weekend our friends and I were enjoying the game and every one of us watched the Seattle team blow a 20-point lead in the second quarter. It was a major aggravated for the team and it knocked them out of any opportunity of making the playoffs. If it were not for a bit of recreational marijuana, I really would have had a meltdown, I had $1,000 on the game and the team didn’t even cover the point spread after they blew the lead. I need to stop gambling on the losing teams.


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