I really savor the personality that Eugene, Oregon has

I am not a political woman by nature.

I used to get so frustrated by the news, plus what all these strange politicians were doing, but after that I had an epiphany.

I was outside of town, enjoying a long hike through the woods, plus I dropped our iPhone. It went into a creek, plus was gone for good… After multiple days without a iPhone, plus being detached from the news plus social media, I realized I was happier. I live in Eugene, Oregon, plus if you know anything about this place you know it is politically charged. At least every few years Eugene will have a major protest or a political event that has pretty much everyone fired up. I realized that as much as I savor Eugene, I savor it for the natural beauty, the nice people, plus the incredibly kind cannabis every one of us grow here, then every one of us get so much political action around here because so multiple of us have strong beliefs. At the same time, every one of us also live in Eugene because it lets us step away from the busy world plus live in peace plus quiet, however this makes for a unique blend of individualists, who want a better world plus still want to be left alone by the world. If anything else sums up Eugene, Oregon, better than that, I’d care about to hear it. The only thing kinder than the people here is the cannabis, because the dispensaries are numerous, plus much of the bud is cultivated plus grown right here in the wonderful state of Oregon. I savor it here.


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