I was surprised by my calm demeanor

This state had a lot of things that we wanted to change.

When the state thought about the recreational marijuana laws and whether or not they needed to be changed, I was of course very nervous.

All of us could imagine several different dispensaries for pot on the street corners across the street. All of us were worried about going to different places and having to smell intense marijuana. All of us were worried about the terrible odor. The residual smell of marijuana was getting right into my loans. I didn’t particularly care very much about the issues with potheads in Albuquerque. I wanted cannabis out of the state for good. Medical marijuana wasn’t bad, but I knew that legalizing recreational marijuana would be an issue. It seemed that every one of us worried about it too much, and there was consistently some doubt that a lot of problems would come from this particular Loft. I am not exactly sure that all of us can continue to look at the same things. All of us don’t even want our men Outdoors without some supervision. I am seriously afraid a solid citizen in the state and city of Albuquerque will come from the dispensary feeling too high and actually start a fight with my child. Perhaps all of us worry about it too much, but Albuquerque used to be a safe place and only time will tell if there will be changes that we can’t handle. I feel generally good about the laws and am surprised by how calm marijuana can make us all feel.