The smoke shops sold us

My partner was so unhappy the day when she found out that I was using medical marijuana.

I knew she was going to be highly miserable, although I hid it from her for more than five months.

I never told her that I went to the doctor. In addition to getting some bud, I only bought edibles to use at home, when she found out that I was using any amount of medical marijuana, the people I was with and I had an entirely long discussion about our whole relationship. The people I was with and I agreed that it was time to make some super big changes, and neither one of us wanted to continue living 2 separate lives. My partner was definitely more aggravated that I lied for more than five months than she was about the weed. The people I was currently with and I sold our condo in addition to moved to the west coast. My partner apparently always wanted to live in CA in addition to I thought it was good because weed is legal in CA. The state has legal recreational in addition to medical marijuana in addition to the local prices are super cheap. My partner in addition to I sold our condo in the suburbs in addition to the people I was with and I moved to a small condo in downtown San Francisco. It was entirely strenuous to find a place in San Francisco. The people I was with and I had to rent a condo in San Jose, but the condo we eventually got is in the middle of the haight ashbury district. Our place is much smaller than the single the people I was with and I had before, however it just isn’t cheap to live in this area, because the views are spectacular.



Cannabis Pick-up San Fransisco