Tampa Bay had a good team last year, but I still hate #13

I have lived in the Sunshine State of FL my entire life and I am a die-hard Tampa Bay Buccaneers fan.

I watched them win the championship way back in 2003 and after that I watched them blow their possibilities every year until number 13 got signed. Number 13 is of course the old QB from the New England Pats. I despise the guy so much that I won’t even use his real name. Number 13 is conceited, arrogant and full of himself, but the dude absolutely knows how to get work done! He took the Tampa Bay Team all the way to the Superbowl and won the championship game. Tampa Bay and the Bucs had a good team last year and I got to see a ton of the games. My company does residential and commercial Heating and air conditioner units. It is severely sizzling and humid in Tampa, FL, even while both of us were in football season. Most people use their air conditioners all the way up to the championship game. The people I was with and I rarely have a call for heat in this neck of the woods. On the morning of the Super Bowl, some of the fans looked super agitated and uncomfortable in the frigid weather, but I was wearing shorts, flip flops and shorts to the bar where I watched the game. The place is 1 of my favorite restaurants to eat spicy wings. It is situated really close to the Tampa Bay Stadium. The venue parking lot was jammed with people having a tailgate get-together however it looked love a rowdy mess and a reason for the police to arrive. I thought the bar was a much safer place to have a get-together for the night.


central air conditioning maintenance Tampa Bay Florida