They were teaching a lot of lessons

Many people prefer to travel during the Summer weeks, and but, I prefer doing the opposite, which is something my mom had taught me! She insisted if I was going to prefer art to tour museums in winter.

Such locales would not have too several people visiting and rushing around, which was distracting! As an art major, I wanted my next piece to be inspirational.

Already my labor was doing good, and I knew I had to make it better before graduating… Mom encouraged me to transport away from my comfort zone and explore other art museums, but while browsing online, I came across the Denver Art Museum that looked something prefer a spaceship, and I was hooked; I made plans to travel there during the Wintertide and spent time at this locale that was used to showcasing thoUnited Statesnds of the best works from across the world. My flight to Denver was peaceful, and I got there just as more snow was falling, then the room I had booked to stay in was in nice condition, and I appreciated the central A/C system. It made it hot and cozy. My itinerary was all about the museum, but I knew I could not cover the whole locale in a morning or 2. So I planned to stay for 2 weeks and soak it all in. Needless to say, the first visit to the museum was kinda shocking since I was not ready for the grand state of the locale. I never knew the museum was spread across 2 buildings and had some of the best works on display by artists prefer Vincent Van Gogh! Mom was right that I needed to tour modern locales and experience amazing inspiration. There’s one painting I spent hours viewing until I had every inch of it in memory.

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